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“A Book Of Dublin” (19290 was published by “patriot and publisher” Kevin J. Kenny,  whose clients included Arthur Griffith and Patrick Pearse. 

It takes us  to the Dublin of ‘the rare auld times’, before, in Pete St. John’s words, ‘the great unyielding concrete’ had made a city of his town and Dublin was transforming itself into a capital city.

Bulmer Hobson, the editor, was a man at the heart of the new Ireland and the republican revival in Ulster. Active in the Irish volunteers, he was nonetheless distrusted because of his pacifists Quaker background. He gives lively and informative accounts of Dublin’s early history, its great institutions, libraries, galleries and museums; at the same time capturing a snap-shot of its industries, docklands and commerce. 

The entire publication is enlivened by the inclusion of subtle and evocative illustrations by many of the leading Irish illustrators of the day, while a wide range of advertisements give us a flavour of the lifestyle and customs of 1930s Dublin.

A Book of Dublin, Bulmer Hobson (editor)

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